Personal Branding Photography

Present yourself professionally as a Small Business Owner

an environmental portrait of an artist

Great Personal Branding Photography builds brand awareness and trust

As a small business owner, you are the face of your brand. You need to portray that you are credible, as well as likeable…

People buy from people they like and trust! 

Customers first have to come to know of you. After that, they need to start to like and then to trust you.

This is essential before they will invest in you!

And great imagery is key to all three of these elements of your marketing success. 

So, you know you need personal branding photography…. why choose to work with me?

Most likely, if you’re reading this far then you like my images.  But I need to flex my style a little  according to vision and brand identity of the businesses that I work with.

It is YOU that will show in your images, not me! 

If brand identity isn’t something you’ve thought about already, then you’re in the right place.  My in depth pre-shoot process will tease this all out, and I will show up with plenty of creative ideas to bring your vision to life.

My clients tell me that this preparation process is extremely useful to building their marketing strategy. 

A Personal Branding shoot with me is good fun, with lots of laughing. For more background on who I am and how I work, check out this page.

Check out some of the kind words previous Personal Branding clients have said here


Credibility and Trust are key to your Brand’s Success

Giving your brand a personality with great imagery 

What do you think sets your business apart from your competitors and can’t easily be copied?

(Hint – it’s YOU)  

Our personal branding shoot will make sure that you showcase bits of your personality and interests which will resonate with your ideal client, and build their trust. 

If you have a pet, getting them involved can add some serious warmth to your images – check out some of my pet photos here.



Prior to the shoot, I will send you a questionnaire to really tease out what your brand identity is.  You may already have spent some time considering this and have all the answers, but many small businesses I work with have not – and have found that the process is useful in itself.

Then we’ll have a video call to discuss your brand, and plan all the finer details of the shoot. The shoot itself can take place at your premises or at a location which ties with your brand.

We’ll spend time capturing a range of images of you and your offer, which tell the story of what you and your brand are all about.

You’ll have a suite of bespoke images to draw from, specifically made for the content that you want to post about – a massive time saver…!


How much does a Branding Photography session cost?

Pricing for all of my services is time based. Personal branding shoots are very bespoke so we’ll need to chat to understand what you need. Book a no-obligation discovery call to find out more.


Includes a pre-shoot questionnaire and consultation to make sure your shoot will provide your business with what is needed


Personal Brand Shoots are usually 3 hour shoots, but I can do longer if you want to me capture a more indepth process


Shorter mini sessions are also available


I offer discounted subscription rates for pre-booked multiple sessions so you always have fresh imagery


Includes a post-shoot guide on using your images


Includes templates and graphics for you to use in your social media

a woman and her dog

Not quite ready to book yet?

Join my mailing list to keep in touch! I send regular (but not too regular!) photo, marketing and business tips, and you’ll be the first to know about special offers and events. I aim to make them as useful and entertaining as I can! 

AND… Occasional Free Stuff!! 

Giving me your email address is a big deal, I know!

So, as a thank you, my subscribers get links to seasonal imagery which you will be licenced to use in your social media.

Join my mailing list

14 + 7 =

Of course, when you book a personal branding shoot, your delivered images will include bespoke ‘stock’ images in your brand colours, for your use only… 


I take such a lot of photos of things that I find beautiful! From flowers to a cup of coffee; a nice bit of stationery  or the play of light and shadow on a glass of wine 🙂

There are certain times of the year, when you just have to post a seasonal image to avoid feeling like Scrooge. So I like to help my subscribers out with some seasonal imagery onto which they can overlay their own holiday message. 



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Hey Small Business owner!

Are you struggling with your marketing and visibility? I've done a lot of marketing training and I'd love to share what I've learned with you!

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